With their most recent upset over Clear Springs (#14 in state) 10-9, KHS has been crowned top 20 in state with the well deserved title of district champions. But the question begs, how did they get...
Tamir Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Sports Editor
• October 4, 2023
This year the message has been "ALL IN" at Kingwood High School and that is just what Mustang football has been doing. While the scoreboard has not always reflected what we might like to see, our players...
Tamir Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Sports Editor
• August 27, 2023
While we didn't get the outcome for the game we wanted against Clear Creek, our team played with heart and soul. We have a young team on varsity with many sophomores and juniors filling positions on...
Are you interested in trying out a new sport? Looking to meet new people?
Kingwood Ladies Lacrosse is open for registration for new and returning members. The fall season of lacrosse is a developmental...
Shifa Soban, Student Life Editor
• August 25, 2023
This past summer, our Kingwood cheer squads were hard at work, learning new chants, cheers, dances, and stunts to raise school spirit this year at games as well as pep rallies. All evaluations received...
Guesses. At the beginning of this season that’s all any of us could do -- guess at how it would play out. That’s so much of what any sport is; the goalie guesses which way to dive, the batter guesses...
The Kingwood Ladies Lacrosse Team is headed to Dallas for the State Playoffs. The team will play in the Final Four against Greenhill this Saturday at Coppell Middle School. Kingwood Ladies have fought...
Tamir Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Sports Editor
• April 26, 2023
Carly Ahrens, a class of 2023 graduate and a multi-sport athlete, balances school, a social life, and service to her community with grace. Carly recently committed to the University of Houston as not only...
Success rarely happens overnight. It is normally achieved through hard work, setting and achieving goals, and believing in yourself and your teammates. The Kingwood High School girls golf team carved up...
Kingwood Men's Soccer brought home a district win this season for the first time in over ten years (2013). Two of the team's captains and class of '23 seniors, Connor Quinn and Ethan Knutsen, shared their...
Kingwood Swimming has had an incredibly successful year. Kicking off the start of the season in September with the annual Blue-White meet brought plenty of spirit for the team and excitement for the upcoming...
Tamir Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Sports Editor
• April 15, 2023
Resilience is a word that gets used around sports quite a bit. Last night we witnessed resilience, talent, and speed from the Kingwood Girls Track & Field team, bringing it all together for a successful...