Kingwood XC Dominates at Region

Photo Credit: Troy Ahrens
The Kingwood Mustangs cross country teams competed at the Region 3 Championships on Monday, October 25th in Huntsville. The top 4 teams and top 10 individuals not on the four qualifying teams qualify for the State Championship November 6th at Old Settler’s Park in Round Rock. The Regional championships are always tough with elite competition but with temperatures in the mid 90’s conditions were rough and the Mustangs gave it their best.

The first race was the girls 5K, Carson Parker was the first one for the Mustangs to cross the finish line at a time of 19:07 for 5th place. Carly Ahrens was very close behind in 6th place with a time of 19:12. Next, Skye Hoffman finished in 16th place at 20:03 and Lauren Johansson finished strong with 20:09 for a 21st place finish. Camille Lindberg’s 26th place finish helped secure the team title out-pacing Stratford and Katy High school. We will see how the Lady Mustangs do at the State Meet on November 6th in Round Rock but based on their effort at Regionals the team is looking to return to the podium from their 2nd place finish in 2019.

The next race was the boys 5K which had even hotter conditions with the sun shining bright and blazing strong making for challenging conditions that forced the Mustangs to persevere. Om Gawankar was the first to finish for the Kingwood team finishing 46th in 17:09. Right on his heels was Kailash Pillai finishing only .50 seconds behind teammate Gawankar. The next group of Mustangs raced into the finish line as a pack close in time, starting off with Diego Contreras at 17:28, Jonathan Porras in 17:31, and Tyler Wadell finishing in 68th place at 17:36. Erick Putnam ran a solid race, finishing with a 17:50, and completing the Mustang team was Davin Narhi finishing 138th place in 19:49. The boys Kingwood cross country team ended the meet in 8th place with a score of 241. The boys improved each week running as a team determined to improve and represent KHS with pride, honor, and character.

Carly Ahrens is a Junior at KHS. She is a part of XC/track and the varsity swim team. She is involved in NHS, ACS chem club and the Environmental club...