The Kingwood Fillies Drill Team has kicked off their 2023-2024 season with team bonding, philanthropy events, and supporting football at Varsity games!
Their non-stop work ethic kicked off at the end of this past school year. It began with team camps, retreats, and practices over the summer. The team was able to form extremely close bonds as they set off to Margaritaville, and towards the end of summer they were able to complete their Field Pom dance at “Fillie Camp.”
“Margaritaville helped me make bonds with the team and allowed me to develop friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime.” -Abby Odom

As the Fillies continued into their year, they hosted many Go Gold events during the month of September. Not only did they wear gold ribbons and hat bands during games, but they also held game night Zoom calls for kids fighting cancer through their partnership with Memorial Hermann and Texas Children’s Hospitals. The winners of these games were able to receive baskets of donated goods from the school community! There were so many donations that four “winner” baskets were donated along with hundreds of smaller gift bags. There was also an opportunity for a select few Fillies to go visit pediatric cancer patients at MD Anderson. They were able to play games with the kids, color, talk, and entertain them while their parents enjoyed fellowship opportunities with other patients, staff, and Go Gold volunteers. Additionally, the Fillies hosted a ”Go Gold” staff breakfast at KHS where they were able to bring awareness to this important cause by having Kingwood High School write cards to pediatric cancer patients and buy Go Gold t-shirts. The Fillies also hosted several Kona Ice days where a portion of the proceeds were donated to the Go Gold Foundation. This was a very memorable and emotional month for the Fillies, and they look forward to Go Gold month every year, leading the charge for Kingwood High School and Humble ISD, and living up to the Fillie motto of “more than dance”.
I truly love Go Gold Month! I love the fact that the Fillies are able to get involved with the different hospitals and have led Kingwood High School in this important cause from the beginning. In fact, the Fillies were the first organization in Humble ISD to recognize Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. I love that the entire district is involved in this important cause, and it truly takes a village to accomplish all of our tasks for the month. During this time, we have something almost every night of the week. So many of our Fillies are practicing in the morning and then volunteering at a community event with pediatric cancer in the afternoons/evenings. Our students plan all the events, and it really is very special to watch them during this time. This year we wanted to “leave each situation better than we found it” and I know that during this time, we certainly are doing that! I am always incredibly proud of the Fillies, but my heart bursts with pride in September.

While the Fillies are working on philanthropy projects, competition season, and bonding, they are also focused on their football game performances and supporting Mustang Football. They perform three different styles within the span of football season: jazz, pom, and kick. They also hold fundraising events like tailgates, carwashes, and clinics. This year, the Fillies were able to dance with the AHS Patriettes at the KHS vs. AHS game to show our united effort to end pediatric cancer. It was a great experience, and it was amazing to see that many dancers on the field.
“I enjoy football season because it allows me to be involved with the school’s activities and it bonds the team together. It helps us all have fun while doing our sport and what we love. Also, it allows for a time of cheerfulness because we, as a team, can cheer for our school which is something we find joy in.” -Ava Reynolds
The Kingwood Fillies provide the KHS community with so much love and positivity, allowing all who participate to thrive in academics and involvement with the school.