With all the emotions, pomp and circumstance, and uncertainty, the Senior Class of 2024 prepares themselves for their last year of high school and what lies beyond them in college. These seniors are filled with a range of emotions as they make some difficult decisions throughout the year that will determine their future.

For many, this year will be bittersweet as they look back on the past three years and look forward to embrace what comes ahead. Truly senior year of high school is the year of last moments of your childhood years, it’s the milestone where students move on to the next stage of their life and learn to grow even more as individuals. Some of these seniors have been with their peers since preschool and some just one or two years. Regardless of the length of years in many of these relationships, each senior has forged a connection to one another and the Kingwood community. This year will test those relationships with many ups and downs.
Class of 2024 Seniors remember to keep your eyes fixed on what lies ahead and “Seize the Day.” Carpe Diem! (Dead Poets Society)
Our KHS Seniors took a similar approach as seen in this film clip from Dead Poet’s Society where their teacher challenges the high school students to look beyond themselves, not being afraid to fail. The KHS Class of 2024 will be reaching for the stars this school year. We asked the Senior class officers to share why they choose “Reach For The Stars” as their moto this year.
“When we thought about how we wanted to define our upcoming year and the impact we will have on our school and beyond, we thought of the slogan “reach for the stars”. That’s how we came to our motto that the Class of ‘24 will soar to success, as seen in our poster. We want our classmates to dream big and go far, and we think as leaders, it is important to instill a culture of excellence within our class.” – Tommy Avery Vice President
The year of lasts has already started and this was just the first of many Senior traditions to come for the Class of 2024. Senior Sunrise kicked off the year with a great showing of students as seen below. Kingwood High School could not be prouder of these students, and cannot wait to see what they accomplish, as alumni. Stay tuned to our Class of 2024 updates in the Student Life section of the KHS Mustang Monthly.

Weir, Peter. Dead Poets Society. Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, 1989.