Lauryn Stetson


Neha Shaw, Editor-in-Chief

Lauryn is a junior at KHS that focuses on dance and is currently a member and leader in the Kingwood Fillies Dance Team.

In what way(s) would you like to impact the world around you and why?

“As I continuously go through my day to day life, a question I am constantly posing to myself is, “How am I, as an individual, going to impact the world around me and leave behind my own legacy?” It’s vital to our success as human beings to realize and accept our purpose and fulfill it. However, as young adults we are still attempting to figure out our purpose. Starting off with little acts of kindness or simply making someone laugh is how I’m choosing to begin this journey, but with the intention of doing so much more. In the mean time, I am going to work hard on everything I put myself into with my purpose being a positive outcome for myself and the world around me. By doing so, I know that I will be able to say I impacted the world around me greatly.” – Lauryn Stetson (11)