When you don’t know what something is really about, it can be challenging to get excited and become motivated enough to put in hard work. Frequently, I’m asked, “Why should I compete?” and my opening line is typically, “Well, it will look good on college apps.” While that is undoubtedly true, there is more to it.
After earning the privilege of being able to compete at the Texas State DECA Competition, I’ve got a new answer. So why should you join us next year and compete with us? I will never forget our trip to the state; it has been one of the most refreshing and fun experiences of my high school career. I went into the opening ceremony thinking, “This is gonna be ridiculously boring,” when it was quite the opposite. They thanked everyone for being there, then handed out awards, and out of nowhere, they brought out an electronic violinist, something I never knew I needed. They had lights flashing and fog machines going, and overall, the event was just electric. The ground was even shaking from the crowd at one point!
Additionally, you’re going to remember these events for a long time to come. You get to room with your friends and create memories and Instagram posts. You get to experience city life, and my favorite memory has to be laughing with Drake, Yale, and Ian the night before competitions. I’m excited to see Kingwood advance to the international scale and am proud of the work we’ve put in as a first-year DECA chapter. We still have a long way to go, and we need your help to make Kingwood DECA a name that Texas DECA will not forget!