Mustang Library: Monthly Must-Have Convos
Flyer for the upcoming mental health webinar
September 12, 2020
Recently, our librarians Mrs. Schilling and Mrs. Adelman have worked hard to create Mustang Library’s Monthly Must-Have Convos. In observance of the current issues of society, Dr. Nasra presented an initiative to the librarians. The model aims to address societal issues through conversation and will take place in three mediums each month- a blog, webinar, and twitter chat. At the beginning of each month, there would be a blog post discussing a certain topic or issue. Then, at around the middle of the month, a webinar would take place, followed by an end-of-the-month open Twitter chat.
The goal of this fresh initiative is to encourage tough conversations among our school and climate to foster more long-term positive changes. These conversations will take place monthly, with the exception of December. The topic for this month will be mental health and the webinar will take place on September 14th at 8PM. The Zoom information is on the KHS Library website. The topic next month will touch on civic responsibility geared towards voters and prospective voters to be more sympathetic and to foster understanding. Future topics of these monthly conversations may include digital citizenship, diversity, finding a common ground, and what high school will be like in the future.
Anyone is welcome to attend these webinars! This initiative is not just limited to Kingwood High School students/staff/parents, it is open to all Kingwood community members. Webinars will take place on Mondays at 8 PM with conversations and discussions from invited panelists (people in the district, invited guests from outside, etc.) including a Q&A opportunity for students. The Twitter chat will pull questions from the webinar on the library Twitter where people can comment and share their thoughts/opinions on the Twitter question posts. The goal of this Twitter chat is to take main webinar questions and open them up for further discussion.
Partaking in conversation is crucial, and it is important to engage in civil discourse to talk about issues in our society. Most, if not all, of the ongoing concerns in our world right now affect us or others in our community, and it is up to us to have these discussions and learn from each other. Some topics may be more difficult or uncomfortable to talk about than others, but having uncomfortable discussions is the first step towards creating meaningful change. We are excited to see the discussions that will take place with this new initiative.