Nick Macluckie

April 21, 2020
Nick Macluckie is a sophomore at Kingwood High School in the KM4B band.
What is the most prominent lesson/thing you’ve learned while in quarantine?
“I have learned a lot during quarantine. The coronavirus has definitely affected all of us, and it is tragic. I have spent time in isolation taking it all in. In retrospection, I think back to my Spanish literature class. One day in class, we covered the literary theme of “carpe diem”, which roughly translates to “enjoy yourself while you have the chance”. After a long month and a half in isolation, I have come to the realization that I haven’t been enjoying life in the moment. I have taken so much for granted, and I wish nothing more but for life to go back to normal. In isolation, I have truly learned to enjoy and cherish every little moment of love, happiness, and freedom. Quarantine has opened my eyes to the truth of life. Life is short and unpredictable, and I need to appreciate every second of it. So I vow, from now till forever, to seize the day and enjoy the little things while I still can.” – Nick Macluckie (10)