Julia Westwood

April 21, 2020
Julia Westwood is a junior at Kingwood High School who represents KHS as a varsity swimmer and a writer for mustang monthly. Julia’s love for reading, travel and marine science has inspired many reviews and articles on our news site to date.
What is the most prominent lesson/think you’ve learned while in quarantine?
“We get so much mental stimuli on a regular basis and to have that so suddenly and drastically reduced was a real challenge for me. It was like a jolt at first and I wasn’t sure how to use all that extra time and not get too lost in my head. Now, a month into quarantine, I see this has been a good opportunity to slow down, do some re-prioritizing and make time for things I haven’t been able to do for years. I’ve always liked to read but felt like reading was more of a chore during the school year when there are so many other demands on my time.
Now, I’m reading so many great books! It also has been a huge boost to stay connected to friends via FaceTime and Zoom (and the occasional driveway or drive by visit…) Last week, we had a Zoom “reunion” of my marine science boat mates from last summer. We’re spread out from Nebraska to England and I miss them all so much. It was really fun to be together again, sharing stories. My takeaway from this time has been to look at what truly feeds your spirit. Think about the activities and people you care about, who lift you up and make you better. Everything else is just noise.” – Julia Westwood (11)