Heather Turner

Daphne Han, Web Design, Student Life Editor, STEM Editor

Heather Turner is currently a senior at Kingwood High School. She is the principal cellist in the school’s chamber orchestra and she hopes to pursue audio/acoustic engineering in college.

What is something that you are intensely passionate about?

Some songs never get old. Sometimes though, we forget those songs until something can adequately bring them back to life for us. During my junior year, my best friend and I drove to and from school together every day. Because I rode shotgun and had an extensive taste in music, I was the designated DJ. Once day on our ride home from school, the song “Such Great Heights” made it’s way to the top of my queue. This song begins with quiet hints of notes that evolve as the base builds into the lyrical theme. Just as the song began, the speakers in the car seemed to surround us in a field of blossoming popcorn sounds, gently swelling the hum of the bass and sweeping the percussion through our bodies. My friends and I caught each other’s eye, awestruck by the sheer majesty the song’s introduction held when it had seemed so simple to us before. I’ve always known that my generally analytical mind also held a special love of music, but it was in that moment when I realized I could satisfy the passions of both my artistic and technical minds through acoustic and audio engineering. Music cannot exist without a venue to listen to it through, and there’s no denying that listening to music live is different from listening to it in the car or hearing it through a pair of 99 cent earbuds. I have a passion for giving people the opportunity to listen and perform music differently through designing and constructing concert halls, instruments, speakers, or even microphones. I want to be able to give people the opportunity to rediscover the impact music can have on us all. “You’ll hear the shrillest highs and lowest lows with the windows down. And this is guiding you home”

The Postal Service – “Such Great Heights”