Meet our new KHS Assistant Principals!
The familiar bell rings in a new school year, bringing with it new classes, new faces, new beginnings, and three new Assistant Principals! The Kingwood High School Mustang family and community extend a warm welcome to Kristi Vannett (Cl-Go), Sarah McKinney (Pe-Sr), and Kristy Chapuseaux (St-Z) with excitement as we all embark on the journey of this school year together. In order to get to know these wonderful women a little bit better, I got a chance to speak with our new APs and hear about their plans for this upcoming year.
Our new administration members look forward to many great prospects in the coming year. Mrs. Chapuseaux eagerly awaits “building relationships with the student body and community” as well as aligning with her vision of “increased learner engagement in the classroom”. She especially wants to focus on growing community involvement with the student body and Kingwood High School as a whole. Mrs. McKinney is particularly interested in “seeing what Kingwood is about” and also increasing our school’s relationship with our supportive community. Additionally, she plans to build a solid relationship with our English Department and introduce increased “authentic learning experiences” to English classrooms and ultimately provide even more enriching opportunities to students. Mrs. Vannett hopes to “get to know Kingwood students and traditions” in order to “build valuable relationships” with our student body, and in regards to her department, CTE, one of her goals is to “get involved in the community to bring internships” for students who express interest in various career paths.
If you want to know a few fun facts, Mrs. Vannett loves to watch sports and is an avid supporter of both the Texans and the Astros. Pro sports are also a favorite of Mrs. Chapuseaux, and she also enjoys spending time with her daughter. Mrs. McKinney prefers to watch college sports, especially the Aggies (Gig ‘em!) and also has a passion for cooking.
Mrs. Chapuseaux, Mrs. McKinney, and Mrs. Vannett are incredibly thrilled to be a part of the KHS Admin team, and they would all love to get to know our students. If you are a student at Kingwood High School, don’t be shy! Be sure to give a warm Mustang welcome to your new APs; we are so grateful that they are here!

Neha Shaw, senior, is ecstatic to bring you Mustang Monthly's first full year! She enjoys putting pins on her bucket hat and snacking on chocolate chip...